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Hide tool

Hide Tool

The new Hide Tool introduces powerful functions to enhance your urban planning experience. With the ability to define selected areas by placing points, you can now selectively control the visibility of elements within your urban environment. Whether it's hiding or revealing terrain, trees, or buildings, the tool offers effortless modification of selected areas.

The interaction between the menu and the scene allows for easy building selection and precise control over visibility. The tool also automatically adjusts buildings when selected areas intersect with them, enabling seamless modifications.

Known Limitations
Please mind the following limitations that may affect user behavior:

  • Sliced buildings are not currently considered by the ZTV calculation, we’re actively working to make this compatible for a future release.

  • Visibility settings for shared contents: If selection plots and/or groups share the same contents, only one of them can have active visibility settings at a time. It is possible to have overlapping plotted areas, multiple building groups that include the same buildings, or plotted areas that include buildings already part of a building group. However, in such cases, only one selection layer with shared contents can be toggled as active at any given time.

  • Building slicing with plot selection: Users can slice a building by directly selecting its other half or slicing its other half with a different plot. However, this is considered shared contents and is subject to the limitation mentioned above.

  • Extras

    Learn the roundtrip for DXF files exported from your project.

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